map testing


2nd and 3rd Grade students will be doing MAP testing the first 3 days after next week’s break.

Monday, December 2 - English Tuesday, December 3 - Language Wednesday, December 4 - Math

4th Grade students will be doing MAP testing Thursday, December 5 (Reading and Language) and Friday, December 6 (Math)

1st Grade students will be doing MAP testing Monday, December 9 (Reading) and Wednesday, December 11 (Math)

Kindergarten students will be doing MAP testing Thursday, December 12 (Reading) and Friday, December 13 (Math)

All students participate in MAP testing at the beginning, middle and end of the year. MAP, or the Measure of Academic Progress, is a computer-adaptive skills assessment that provides parents, teachers and administrators with metrics to measure a student's growth and progress.

In addition, the results of the assessment allow teachers to better target instruction based on students’ strengths and needs.

The tests are not timed and most students complete the tests in less than an hour.

NOTE: Thanks goes to Debbie Ryver Stephenson for including this information on the school’s calendar. She does an exceptional job putting events on the school’s calendar