Coach Thomas's Jump Rope Challenge

Less than $2,000 away from our goal with a week left. if you would like to fund raise at kidsheartchallenge.  Parents can help students sign up online  There is also a mobile app called the Kids Heart Challenge to help keep track of our team raising money for the American Heart Association.
If we reach our goal of $5,000, the top three fundraising students get to “Bedazzle my Beard!”


YM SWA KHC 2018-2019 WO-16061: Washington Elementary - American Heart Association
The American Heart Association offers programs for the classroom and for the gym to get help kids healthy and performing better in school.

News From the Gym Kids Heart Challenge, formerly Jump Rope for Heart, kicked off January 28 and will run through February 15. We will be discussing the risk factors that cause heart disease and talking about what measures students can take to improve their own heart health.This is the 40th anniversary of the fundraiser and Washington’s 15th consecutive year to participate. Coach Thomas Coach Huckeba